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PancakeSwap Price(CAKE)

USD - $

PancakeSwap (CAKE) Live Price Chart


CAKE Live Price Data & Information

The current price of PancakeSwap (CAKE) today is 2.684 USD with a current market cap of $ 785.43M USD. CAKE to USD price is updated in real-time.
Key PancakeSwap Market Performance:
- 24-hour trading volume is $ 38.72M USD
- PancakeSwap price change within the day is +0.07%
- It has a circulating supply of 292.64M USD

Get real-time price updates of the CAKE to USD price on MEXC. Stay informed with the latest data and market analysis. It is essential for making smart trading decisions in the fast-paced cryptocurrency market. MEXC is your go-to platform for accurate CAKE price information.

CAKE Price Performance USD

Track the price changes of PancakeSwap for today, 30 days, 60 days, and 90 days:

PeriodChange (USD)Change (%)
Today$ +0.00188+0.07%
30 Days$ +0.316+13.34%
60 Days$ +0.516+23.80%
90 Days$ +0.324+13.72%

CAKE Price Information

Explore the latest pricing details of PancakeSwap: 24h Low & High, ATH and daily changes:

$ 2.34
$ 2.34$ 2.34

$ 2.838
$ 2.838$ 2.838

$ 44.137
$ 44.137$ 44.137




CAKE Market Information

Dive into the market statistics: market cap, 24h volume, and supply:

$ 785.43M
$ 785.43M$ 785.43M

$ 38.72M
$ 38.72M$ 38.72M

292.64M 292.64M

What is PancakeSwap (CAKE)

PancakeSwap is a BEP20 decentralized trading platform built on the Binance Smart Chain, which uses an automatic market maker mechanism to provide liquidity.

PancakeSwap is available on MEXC, providing you with the convenience of purchasing, holding, transferring, and staking the token directly on our platform. Whether you are a seasoned investor or a newcomer to the world of cryptocurrencies, MEXC offers a user-friendly interface and a variety of tools to manage your PancakeSwap investments effectively. For more detailed information about this token, we invite you to visit our digital asset introduction page.

Additionally, you can:
- Check CAKE staking availabilityto see how you can earn rewards on your holdings.
- Read reviews and analytics about PancakeSwap on our blog to stay informed about the latest market trends and expert insights.

Our comprehensive resources are designed to make your PancakeSwap buying experience smooth and informed, ensuring you have all the tools and knowledge needed to invest confidently.

PancakeSwap Price Prediction

Cryptocurrency price predictions involve forecasting or speculating on the future values of cryptocurrencies. These forecasts aim to predict the potential future worth of specific cryptocurrencies, such as PancakeSwap, Bitcoin, or Ethereum. What will be the future price of CAKE? How much will it be worth in 2026, 2027, 2028, and up to 2050? For detailed prediction information, please check out our PancakeSwap price prediction page.

PancakeSwap Price History

Tracing CAKE's price trajectory provides valuable insights into its past performance and helps investors understand the factors influencing its value over time. Understanding these historical patterns can offer valuable context for assessing CAKE's potential future trajectory. For detailed price history information, please check out our PancakeSwap price history page.

How to buy PancakeSwap (CAKE)

Looking for how to buy PancakeSwap? The process is straightforward and hassle-free! You can easily purchase PancakeSwap on MEXC by following our step-by-step How to Buy guide. We provide you with detailed instructions and video tutorials, demonstrating how to sign up on MEXC and use the various convenient payment options available.

Join trading of CAKE Perpetual Futures

Once you sign up on MEXC and acquire USDT or CAKE tokens, you can begin trading in derivative products like PancakeSwap futures, which offer the potential for increased earnings. With over 6 years of expertise in futures products and operations, MEXC is recognized for being number one in global liquidity. Experience the advantage of up to 125X leverage, along with more comprehensive and narrower spreads.

What are PancakeSwap Futures?

PancakeSwap futures contracts are legal agreements to buy or sell PancakeSwap at a predetermined price on a specified future date. These contracts serve as a representation of the PancakeSwap cryptocurrency token, meaning that the actual settlement, which could be either in PancakeSwap or cash, will take place in the future when the contract reaches its maturity and is exercised.

Earn more from PancakeSwap Price Fluctuations with Futures

One of the main reasons you can earn more with futures is due to leverage. Leverage allows traders to control larger positions with relatively smaller amounts of capital, amplifying potential gains. For example, with 10x leverage, a 10% increase in the price of PancakeSwap can result in a 100% profit on the initial margin. However, it's important to note that leverage also increases the risk, as losses can be magnified in the same way.

How to Start?

If you're new to derivative trading and unsure where to begin, delve into our comprehensive articles on MEXC Learn. You'll find detailed guides that walk you through the process of executing futures trades successfully, providing step-by-step instructions and insights into market analysis, risk management, and trading strategies. These resources are designed to equip you with the knowledge and confidence needed to navigate the complexities of futures trading, make informed decisions, and potentially maximize your earnings.

PancakeSwap Resource

For a more in-depth understanding of PancakeSwap, consider exploring additional resources such as the whitepaper, official website, and other publications:

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