Radix is a layer 1 DLT protocol specifically designed to remove the technology barriers limiting the expansion of DeFi, with a clear roadmap to infinite linear scalability. To directly address the needs of DeFi at global scale for the next 100 years, Radix has a full-stack approach: re-engineering consensus, distributed virtual machines, executable on-network code, DeFi application building, and developer incentives. With a revolutionary asset-oriented smart contract programming language Scrypto, building dApps on Radix will be fast, smooth, and will reduce the risk of hacks and exploits. Developers can earn royalties from their code components and from the blueprint catalog.

Nom de la cryptomonnaieXRD

Offre maximale13,085,215,553.69396

Heure d'émission--

Offre en circulation10,685,215,480.170166

Prix d'émission--

Haut 24 h
Bas 24 h
Volume 24 h (XRD)
Rotation 24 h (USDT)
Carnet d'ordres
Opérations sur le marché
Carnet d'ordres
Opérations sur le marché
Carnet d'ordres
Opérations sur le marché
Opérations sur le marché
Ordres ouverts (0)
Historique d'ordres
Historique de trading
Positions ouvertes (0)
network_iconRéseau instable
Ligne 1
Service client en ligne